graphic logo

What’s with the Chicken?

Byadmin January 4, 2017

Almost everyone asks about LOOKOUT!’s logo so here it is. 

One of my first designs was “Sidekick”, the donkey, goose and chicken.  This is a real donkey, named Momma and the goose is Rock, they are inseparable in that the goose will not leave the donkey’s side, not vice versa.  At night when the pair retreat to their stall (outlined with a yellow line so Rock won’t be able to bite you)  chickens (which may or may not have names) invariably land on the rump of Momma to spend the night. When I first drew this design the chicken was incoming and about to land on Momma’s rump but having redrawn it a dozen or more times I came to realize that if I wanted a logo this about-to-land chicken would be good one.

Hmm.  What you say if a chicken were about to land on you?

LOOKOUT!  ……..And there it was. 


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